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Personal Development Coaching

About Me

Anne DiGiovanni, personal development coach, warmly smiles in the sunlight, blonde hair, blue eyes, dark gray business suit

"I believe deep change often requires - and always deserves - a witness. I am passionate about being a witness to positive personal evolution."

Anne DiGiovanni

In some form or another, I have been helping people express their potential and find their inner resources and wisdom for 35 years. My own path has been filled with turns and transitions, so I know what it is like to face obstacles, change and pivot. After an injury ended my athletic dream, I started meditating, and spent 6 years as a college athletic coach while training adults with chronic mental illness to work in tech. What followed was a lot of grad school, and two decades of teaching writing and literature at the university level, while raising a family and deepening my own meditation practice. Due to parental health needs, I transitioned to editing and ghostwriting, while moonlighting as a meditation and mindfulness teacher.


Former clients and students of all kinds kept coming back: to talk, to sort through confusion, challenges and frustrations. Through a unique combination of writing exercises, action steps, personalized meditation and thought-partnership, together we began to access their inner wisdom and find solutions to thorny issues in their life. Most importantly, they found their own resilience and a process they could apply to tackle future challenges. I pursued coaching certification in order to discover even more tools and techniques to help clients confidently navigate their lives. Coaching is a rewarding and affirming way for me to use all my many tools and experiences in guiding people to live the most satisfying life they can.

My Story

Starting or deepening a meditation or spiritual practice.

Dissolving a business or partnership.

Navigating the beginning or end of a relationship.

Discerning the right personal development process, especially as an intuitive or empath.

Starting a new career or business.

Feeling overwhelmed at work or at home.

Finding Work / Life Balance.

Parenting challenges.

Navigating grief.

The desire to be more comfortable physically, either due to weight / fitness / chronic pain issues.

Starting, maintaining or completing a creative endeavors /  projects.

Writing a book or creating a series or paintings or songs.

Some areas clients have worked with me before include:

The Benefits of Coaching

A business person, gray suit, salt and pepper hair, raises their arms victoriously in front of a tall glass building

Perhaps there is a goal you have been wanting to achieve, but it keeps eluding you. Perhaps you want to gain greater momentum in an area of life, or get clear about where it is you want to focus your time and attention. Are there actions you know you want to take, but are avoiding? Do you feel conflicting desires? People use coaching to help them get unstuck, get clear on what they want, and take more effective actions towards what they want. Sometimes just the act of speaking out loud  what has been going around and around in your head in a contained space can help you change an old, limiting story into a new empowering one.

From time to time, all of us could use extra help and support from someone who can be an objective and co-creative thought partner - especially when we are feeling overwhelmed or stepping into unfamiliar territory. There are no objective maps or manuals for managing new challenges or goals, but I believe we all have access to an innate sense of what is best for us. Together coaches and clients create a space in which deep listening and focused questioning generally leads clients to discern to the right-sized solutions and action steps for themselves.

A business man stands alone staring up a vast staircase outside a city building

There Are Other Benefits:

Having a coach as a thought partner helps clients commit to themselves more seriously than they might on their own.

Clients keep more accountable to their own intentions, actions and progress.

Coaches help clients sort through any areas of overwhelm and confusion to gain clarity and direction.

Most importantly, coaches help you discover your own answers, solutions and right actions to take.

POV, close-up, personal development coach Anne DiGiovianni writes notes at her desk

Coaches help you realize your own inherent ability to do what is right for you.

The goal of coaching is that together we help you discern the right approach for you. Coaching is not therapy or consulting; the goal is not for the coach to solve your problems or tell you what to do, but to help you discover your inherent wisdom about what is right for you..

If you are curious about engaging in a coaching process with me, book your discovery call and let’s talk!

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